Verify your search engine settings in the Settings menu by clicking “Manage Search Engines” under “Search.” Choose the search engine you use and select “Make default.” Make sure the URL on the right side of the screen matches the name of the search engine! If you see on the left, but the URL on the right starts with anything other than, delete it with the X marker on the screen.Select “Show Home Button.” Now click “Change,” then select “Use the New Tab Page.” Click “Ok” to save your changes. In the same Settings menu, find the Appearance section. Make sure the Chrome buttons haven’t been messed with.If you see anything other than a blank page or a page you specifically configured to show up when you start the browser, select the listed site, then press the X to delete. Chrome: Click “Settings” in the Chrome menu, then click “Set Pages” (just below “On Startup”).

Sometimes adware will hijack your browser’s default webpage and search engines. Check your browser start page, search engines and other defaults.